The Democrats and Republicans are the parents and the country is the kids, and now they are divorced. Trump wants to be the parent who takes the kids out for milkshakes all the time (by being the one who reopens the country), and the Democrats are annoyed because they know good parenting involves discipline…but milkshakes are hard to beat.
Trump can’t re-open the country
The President is supposedly spending this weekend wrestling with a big decision, whether to “re-open the country” or not. The press of course is playing this up for whatever reason. It would be more useful if they emphasized that Trump really doesn’t have much power here; he didn’t close the country, and he can’t open it up. But as usual they are falling into the trap of playing the game on his home field.
Roe vs. Wade has always been doomed
Yes, it would be nice if our next Supreme Court justice wasn’t an alcoholic incel, but the fact is that Roe vs. Wade was doomed the second Comey hit “Send”. Reversing Roe vs. Wade is what it has been about for Republicans for decades. It’s why they tolerated Bush being manipulated by Cheney and Rumsfeld, it’s why they tolerated Trump being Trump. So even if Kavanagh had gotten voted down, they would have dug up another Republican rubber stamper who wasn’t a compulsive liar (see Gorsuch, Neil) and confirmed him (assuming [ha ha] that it was a “him”). This is just too important to their donors, and Republicans clearly are willing to risk everything, including their own re-election hopes, to get this star on their heavenly crown.
First post
The crazy thing about the United States right now is not that you have two political parties, one of whom thinks they are upholding the vision of our founding fathers, and the other one that is trying to destroy everything that has made America great.
The crazy thing is that both parties think they are the first one.